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Operasi Fasilitas Manufaktur Elektronika/EM315
DIII Teknik Elektronika Manufaktur
This course contains the operation of clean room facilities and electronics manufacturing facilities in general and how to store raw materials in the electronics manufacturing process, especially the IC packaging process, PCB manufacturing, and Surface Mount Technology (SMT). Students also learn about facilities that use electrostatic discharge and make lot traveler documentation and storage of non-chemical consumables in the electronics manufacturing industry.
Statistical Process Control/EM314
DIII Teknik Elektronika Manufaktur
General Description Course:
This course studies process control techniques to calculate limits for defective products and how to prevent them using statistical methods. Statistical methods include 7 Quality Tools (Check sheet, Pareto diagram, fishbone diagram, scatter diagram, histogram, control chart, stratification), normal distribution, T-test, and statistical reports.

Students know basic principles and concepts in process control techniques using statistical.
- Students use appropriate software such as Minitab, JMP, or other software.
- Students can analyze data using software.
- Students demonstrate effective, analytic reasoning, experimentation, and system thinking skills
Sistem Kontrol Industri/IN312
DIII Teknik Instrumentasi
Matakuliah ini berisi tentang sistem kontrol proses yang ada di industri. Mulai dari dasar sistem kontrol persamaan diferensial, blok diagram, respon frekuensi, kontrol open loop, kontrol close loop, PID, Fuzzy, tuning PID (trial and error, Ziegler) dan tuning Fuzzy.
Pengolahan Citra/TRE603
DIV Teknologi Rekayasa Elektronika
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah:

Mampu memahami mengenai digital image processing
Mampu menerapkan teknik filtering image
Mampu menerapkan teknik image restoration and recontruction
Mampu menerapkan teknik color image processing
Mampu menerapkan teknik morphological image
Mampu menerapkan teknik image segmentation
Mampu menerapkan teknik Feature extraction
Mampu menerapkan teknik Image Pattern Classification
Analisis yang lebih komprehensif dan kohesif tentang transformasi gambar
Analisis yang diperluas tentang Neural Networks (NN) termasuk pembaharuan pada deep neural networks, backpropagation, deep learning, and, especially, deep convolutional neural networks
Statistika Industri/MK516
DIV Teknik Mekatronika
Mata kuliah ini menyajikan teknik- teknik statistika untuk menganalisis performansi mesin dan produksi, serta metode improvement-nya..